Roole case study: ecodriving and SDK integration into their app

Launch of an eco-driving service for 1 million drivers

05/05/2023 • Valentin Juillard

Partner: Club Identicar

Country: France

Industry: Insurance

Year: 2020

Roole in a few words

Roole, formerly known as Club Identicar, is France's leading car club. The company specializes in services for drivers and has more than one million members. It offers theft protection services, additional guarantees to the main car insurance, media, and applications to simplify the life of motorists. 

"The beauty is that there is no hardware"

Roole relies on DriveQuant's smartphone telematics technology to offer an eco-driving service to its community. Directly integrated into the Roole Premium app (available on iOS and Android), DriveQuant SDK helps Roole members save fuel and adopt a more sustainable driving style.

Romain Lebègue, Marketing & Product Director, and Thomas Fournier, Deputy General Director, explain in the video why they chose DriveQuant and how the SDK integration went.



The benefits

For Roole

  • 0 cost in terms of hardware

  • An easily scalable software product

  • A fully customizable and easily integrated service

  • A renewed customer relationship

For customers

  • Eco-driving coaching

  • Fuel savings

  • Driving challenges to learn while having fun