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SCOR INNOVATION PODCAST: why should insurers promote eco-driving?

20/03/2023 • Valentin Juillard

Following a first intervention entirely devoted to the fight against distracted driving, Philippe Moulin is back in the SCOR INNOVATION PODCAST to talk about the opportunities linked to eco-driving in the car insurance sector.

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Why should you focus on eco-driving? 

Eco-driving is a response to the need for smarter and greener mobility to preserve the environment. As an insurer, you have a privileged position to encourage your customers to adopt eco-driving, and thus actively engage in environmental preservation.

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Using smartphone telematics to promote eco-driving is an opportunity to collect driving data to segment your portfolio according to the risk level of your customers. It is also an opportunity to provide them with a tool to improve their driving behavior and save on fuel and their car insurance premium. 

To explore all the opportunities related to eco-driving, download our white paper "Eco-driving & Insurance: stakes and opportunities".