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All our mobility insights and data-driven studies.

[Newsletter] Check out the evolution of our distraction score, our new logo, and the events not to be missed

Discover our distraction score and the interview with Philippe Moulin

Discover our latest news & innovations in our Newsletter. The program for this edition: the evolution of our distraction score to take into account phone calls, our new logo, and the events not to be missed.


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FairConnect and DriveQuant join forces to strengthen European leadership in connected motor insurance

FairConnect and DriveQuant join forces to strengthen European leadership in connected motor insurance


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New tules for access to the user's location

Android 11 and iOS 14 have arrived on our smartphones with new user location access rules


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Newsleter - Product Updates & Innovations - September 2020

[Product Updates] Identifying alternative modes of transportation, ranking drivers with DriveKit and exploiting geo-zones


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Truck drivers' driving analysis, a collection of badges and a new telematics insurance partnership

[Product Updates] Truck drivers' driving analysis, a collection of badges and a new telematics insurance partnership


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TietoEVRY integrates DriveQuant smartphone telematics into its Insurance-in-a-Box platform

TietoEVRY integrates DriveQuant smartphone telematics into its Insurance-in-a-Box platform


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[Product Updates] Mobile telematics apps permissions for background running & Gamification (combos)


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